Perform a Financial Analysis
mySparkrock provides the capability for you to compare in real-time budget versus actual financial information. You can view variances or differences, and then drill down to the underlying records.
To perform a financial analysis
Go to Finance and Purchasing > Financial Analysis
The Financial Analysis page opens.
In Data Set, specify the data set for which you want to perform a financial analysis.
The one or more data sets to which you have access is based on the data set setup in Sparkrock 365.
(Optional) In Start Date and End Date, specify the dates for which you want to filter the data.
mySparkrock automatically populates the values of Start Date and End Date based on the values in the Default Start Date and Default End Date fields for the respective data set on the Data Sets page in Sparkrock 365.
(Optional) To specify advanced filters, turn on Advanced Filter, and then specify values for fields as required.
mySparkrock determines the one or more allowable values for the dimension fields 1 through 4 based on the dimension field setup on the Data Sets page in Sparkrock 365.
mySparkrock determines the one or more allowable values for G/L Account based on the value of G/L Account Filter for the respective data set on the Data Sets page in Sparkrock 365.
Choose View Data.
To view the underlying records that comprise an amount, select the amount.
See also
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