You can set up alternate approvers for various items, such as HR requests, time entry, absence requests, and expense claims.
To add an alternate
Go to Administration > Alternates.
The Alternates page opens.
Choose Add Alternate.
A new row appears.
In Alternate, specify who you want to be an alternate approver.
In Alternate Date, specify the date on which the alternate approver is to start approve entries.
In From Time, specify the time at which the alternate approver is to start approving entries.
In Alternate Date, specify the date on which the alternate approver is to stop approving entries.
In To Time, specify the time at which the alternate approver is to stop approving entries.
To indicated the types of entries that the alternate is to approve, select the HR Request Approvals, Time Entry Approvals, Manager Delegate HR, Absence Request Approvals, and Expense Claims checkboxes.
Choose Save.
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